Saturday, November 08, 2008

WTF? The new Terminator character is diagnosed as autistic?

"Personality-wise, Cameron still has a ways to go, recently having been professionally diagnosed with mild autism. But like all Terminators to come before her, she's a sponge for information."

So now Hollywood has resorted to classifying robots as autistic? I find that extremely offensive, and I hope that it's a misprint.

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I'm not beaten yet: Terry Prachett on the frustration and fury of Alzheimer's | Mail Online

I'm not beaten yet: Terry Prachett on the frustration and fury of Alzheimer's | Mail Online

I can't say enough about my admiration for him for going public with his Alzheimer's struggle, and educating a lot of people. I continue to wish him and his family all the best- after everything that our family has been through, and watching a lot of people close to me die over the years, Alzheimer's is still my biggest personal fear.

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Bullies may enjoy seeing others in pain: Brain scans show disruption in natural empathetic response | The University of Chicago

Bullies may enjoy seeing others in pain: Brain scans show disruption in natural empathetic response | The University of Chicago

Interesting, as is the earlier study Children are naturally prone to be empathic and moral.

I think that I would probably want to distinguish between "bullies" and kids with conduct disorder though- that's a pretty specific diagnosis that goes way beyond just normal bullying.

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Thursday, November 06, 2008